High Amperage Level 2 Charging Network
Plug-In NCW and charger hosts are providing a pathway for EV tourism with 20 high amperage Level 2 (haL2) chargers throughout North Central WA.
These are the charging stations installed by Plug-In NCW. For a full list of chargers across the region, check out our Station Location page.
A privately-funded, high speed, electric vehicle charging network in rural Washington.
As a wholly-owned non-profit subsidiary of the North Central Washington Economic Development District, Plug In North Central Washington (PINCW) has a mission to encourage adoption of plug in vehicles throughout the region. We do this through a combination of outreach, education, projects and programs.
One of our most recent programs revolves around PINCW acting as an entity to accept charitable donations towards the purchase of high amperage Level 2 (haL2) electric vehicle charging stations, provide planning support to help get them installed in strategically chosen locations in North Central Washington, and then providing the stations free of charge as a 3-year "lease" to businesses or organizations that would like to act as the caretakers of these stations.
Each haL2 station has an approximate retail value of $2,200. At the end of the lease period, the businesses/organization who contract with PINCW have the option of continuing the lease, purchasing the charger, or asking PINCW to remove it. As an all volunteer organization with limited resources, PINCW has no ability to assume liability for the charging stations during the term of the lease. Those responsibilities lay with the host business/organization.
Essentially the haL2 program, through charitable donations, is providing a charging station free of charge to a host that would otherwise have to spend $2,200 of their own money to obtain them. We are also providing expert technical resources regarding charging station equipment and installation. Everything else regarding the station will be up to the host, as if they had purchased the station themselves. This includes installation, liability insurance, maintenance and other incidentals (see host agreement for details). At the end of the host contract (a "lease period”) the host will be able to purchase the station for $500 (roughly a 75% discount on the original purchase) if they so desire. This essentially acts as a grant of $1,500 towards the purchase of a charging station.
The installation of a charging station can provide several benefits:
-Marketing: our region of the country/world has gotten coverage in national and international publications (e.g. Motor Trend, The New York Times, the Seattle Times and others) for our electric car charging infrastructure efforts. We are increasingly well known for being ahead of the curve. Tourists from Seattle and around the country are much more tuned in to businesses that show forward-thinking policies, such as installing charging stations.
-Increased business directly from electric car drivers: If you have a charging station electric car drivers will stop at your business above all others and will spend their money at your establishment. Seattle has one of the highest adoption rates of electric cars in the world. Most of them have the ability to drive over the passes using the already established high-speed charging corridor on US-2.
-Mentions in press releases and communications from PINCW: as part of the group of haL2 Hosts, you will benefit from mentions in all press releases on the topic of charging infrastructure.
-Free advertising on the PlugShare app, that most EV drivers use to locate charging stations.