Converting a Toyota Prius into a Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Helping convert the Prius were, from the left: Steve Lough, Rich Rudman, Ryan Fulcher (in car), Jim White, Blake Murray, and Ron Johnston-Rodriguez (sitting). Other volunteers not pictured include: Mike Brogan, Randy Brooks, Larry Epperson, Doug Janke, Jake Lodato, and Aimee Pope.
In September and October 2006, volunteers with the PluginCenter/Advanced Vehicle Innovations consortium and members of the Wenatchee Electric Vehicle Association converted the Port of Chelan County’s Toyota Prius into a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
Over several weekends, the group installed a CAN-View computer system to display more detailed trip data, battery state of charge, and other information. The group, with assistance from the Seattle Electric Vehicle Association and Manzanita Micro, installed the extra batteries, an advanced battery management system and a charging system constructed by Manzanita Micro. Finally, they installed the refined relay box for smooth charging of the extra battery pack and transfer of that charge to the Toyota battery.
The following photo gallery illlustrates the different stages of the conversion, which was done in the Wenatchee Valley College automotive technology shop. For a more detailed description of the process, please visit the Electric Auto Association – Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle wiki.